FMA - Making the difference

Industry today demands maximum reliability, value and service, so whether you are a consultant, specifier, installer or manufacturer – it pays to talk to the FMA or its members. Harmonising and meeting global or national standards, training, links with leading trade associations and industry helping to develop export activity are all areas where the FMA’s experience and knowledge are invaluable.

Market drivers

UK and European legislation, directives and regulations impact on our industry, customers and organisations. The FMA maintains an active role in shaping the outcome for the benefit of its members. The greater the membership, the louder our voice is.

Building regulations:

  • Part F - Ventilation
  • Part L - Conservation of fuel and power

European Union (EU) Directives:

  • ATEX
  • Energy Performance of Buildings
  • WEEE and RoHS
  • Energy Using Products (EuP)

The above regulations and directives will all impact what we do, how we do it and how successful our businesses will be. Only a comprehensive understanding will allow the industry to adapt and survive. Membership of the FMA gives you a say.

FMA Complaints Procedure Form