The BFCMA represents the majority of manufacturers and sole distributors in the industry. All members have  independent test approvals that are recognised by the UK regulatory authorities as complying with the UK statutory regulations.
The BFCMA works closely with UK Government Authorities, European bodies and other organisations involved with chimneys and flues to influence UK Building Regulations & British/European standards.

The Association represents the interests of the Members and aims to:

  1. To promote the advantages and proper use of flue and chimney systems and ancillary flue related products.
  2. To present a co-ordinated and collective view for the chimney and flue industry operating in Britain by representing the majority viewpoint of the Membership.
  3. To gain recognition as the trade organisation representing the chimney and flue industry operating in the UK.
  4. To engage in active dialogue with UK Government Authorities, European bodies, major fuel and heating appliance organisations and other such bodies involved with the specification or use of chimneys and flues.
  1. To influence and participate in the improvement, up-dating and drafting of UK Building Regulations, British standards, codes of practice and European International standards relevant to flue and chimney systems.
  2. To produce and issue information notices and literature for public distribution and to arrange representation at appropriate exhibitions.
  3. To encourage co-operation between members to promote free, open and fair competition in the market with a high standard of conduct, service and quality.
  4. To encourage any lawful activities which are in the best interest of its members.