FMA Complaints Procedure

FMA members are expected to uphold the highest possible standards in accordance with the FMA membership criteria. Should the conduct or actions of any FMA member be perceived to have fallen below the agreed standards documented within the membership criteria, details of the alleged transgression should be reported to the FMA in a timely manner. Complaints submitted to the FMA will be assessed subject to a strict procedure. Once a complaint has been received, the Administration Officer will acknowledge receipt within five working days and will keep the individual making the allegation informed of progress.

The Administration Officer will thoroughly review every allegation received before taking a decision as to whether it can be resolved between the two main parties, i.e. the FMA member and the complainant. If it cannot, the FMA Administration Officer will refer the complaint, and all supporting evidence supplied to the OPSS with a recommendation that they should investigate.

If you wish to make a complaint against a FMA member, please complete and submit the form below:

Are you interested in becoming a member of one of the associations within FETA?