Why use a Group Member?

The membership is committed to the correct application of humidification, dehumidification, and its control, so it can be relied upon to provide technical, sizing, and design advice of the highest quality using experience and the Humidity Control Group’s approved codes of practice.
By being a member of FETA and specifically the Humidity Control Group, a company shows commitment to working to industry standards agreed upon by the members.
The Humidity Control Group as part of the HEVAC Membership and FETA, is a unique group in the world that is dedicated to the advancement of humidity control.

Why is Humidification Important?

Good humidity control creates a comfortable, healthy, consistent, and productive environment.
So often in the press, we are told of the negatives when humidity is mentioned – dampness in flats, rust, static, deterioration of goods or artifacts, and the short shelf life of produce. Yet if humidity is controlled, all these issues can be eliminated and indeed become positives.
Correct humidity levels ensure healthy homes, limited rework of components, reduced failures due to static discharge, well-preserved stored items, increased shelf life of produce, and maximum efficiency on production sites.
From a well-being perspective, controlled humidity provides thermal comfort resulting in less energy needed to heat a building to a comfortable level for human occupation, whilst creating healthy indoor air quality.
Additionally, energy can be saved by using the free adiabatic cooling effects provided by some technologies, reducing the need for energy-hungry air conditioning.
Humidity control can be straightforward and not expensive – certainly when compared to the cost of damage, wasted products, or the impact on health caused by unchecked humidity.
So, we have taken it upon ourselves as a group to drive the message home, that there are people and companies who dedicate themselves to this sector and have the solutions to make a healthier and more productive world where there is less waste.

Group Objectives

  • To promote an understanding of the importance and benefits of correct humidity control.
    To work with the HEVAC Association, to actively promote national and international policies relating to humidity control.
    To prepare and publish information that will assist those responsible for the selection and application of humidity control equipment (humidifiers, dehumidifiers, humidity sensors, etc.), as well as the commissioning and maintenance of this equipment.